Some Assembly Required
Yesterday I got the first bit of the new color up on the house. Looking great so far. Today, we picked up some scaffolding from some neighbors so I can start working on the gables. We had some trouble getting it assembled with just the two of us, partly related to working with a deaf partner, but mostly related to the fact that one of the four x-braces was about 3 inches shorter than the others. Once we exchanged that piece for the right sized one it went together much better.
Once I got the scaffolding together, I went to work on prepping the gable. Like I expected, it looked a lot worse close up than it did from the ground. Many of the half balls are rotted out so they’re going to have to be replaced. I’m also going to be using a lot of epoxy filler and putty on this house. Constant humidity and salt air have definitely taken their toal on our 120 year old house.