The rain kept me indoors lately, so sorry about the lack of updates the last week. The only photos I had taken were for Lori’s book, which, while being instructive for the patternmaker, aren’t exactly exciting on their own. Tonight …
This was a little experiment to figure out how to create a Quicktime VR object movie. I’ve created panoramas before where you spin the camera inside a room for example, but in an object movie it is the object that …
Deer hunting season is just over, otherwise this guy probably wouldn’t be so conspicuous. He was in the neighbor’s yard, along with about 6 other deer. I’m not sure, but I think he’s expressing his opinion on the recent weather …
That seems to be Trevor’s favorite question lately. He knows as soon as he hears the cookie bag rustling, that milk will shortly follow. This picture is just for Mom. She’ll probably never eat in our house again.
Our garbage situation was getting out of hand because the recyclable center is only open Mon-Sat, the same days we work. So I took the morning off today to gather up all our cans, bottles, cardbord, and paper and took …