Lighting the marquee
We happened to be standing on Main Street at the exact moment that they lit the Marquee for the first time. As you can see The Majestic has seen quite a bit of work since my last report. It now has an Art Deco marquee on it that has also been aged. The movie takes place in the fifties and the town is down on it’s luck. Jim Carrey’s character begins revitalizing the town. I think at some point in the movie this marquee must come down because they also detailed the building’s Victorian facade behind it. Other movie news: They dug up a neighbors lawn to use in a scene at the cemetery because it had that neglected look to it. I’m not sure if that is an honor or not, but at least he can watch the movie and say, \”Hey there’s my front lawn!\”. The movie guys are going to give him a new lawn so he gets a good deal out of it. I wish they had chosen ours, since we want to get rid of it anyways. In other landscaping news they also have been bringing in madrone and pine trees for the town hall park. The madrone trees are something else. They are real madrone trees that have been stripped of the leaves, and then had silk leaves reattached. Caltrans crews came in and erased the dashed yellow line down Main Street and replaced it with a solid white line. They also got rid of the STOP stencilled on the roadway a the intersections where there are stop signs. I guess they didn’t have those in the 50s either.