Highway 108
After leaving Bodie we took Highway 108 over to Tuolumne to spend some time with Lori’s sister Paula. It was nice seeing greenery after a week in the desert, and somewhere along the route we came across this amazing patch of lupines and other wildflowers. I started taking pictures but after a few pictures the batteries in my camera died. Due to an earlier problem, I only had one working set of batteries so I was out of luck. I did get a few pictures, but I sure would have like to have taken more. The next day we went back with Paula and couldn’t find the patch. Lori and I both thought it was close to Strawberry, and that it was certainly below the pass. We didn’t drive all the way back up to the pass but now I think it must have been somewhere past where we turned around. I’ve filed it away as an area to explore this same time next year though.