The winters in Ferndale can be long and wet, so wet that it makes getting any gardening done nearly impossible at times. Even mowing the lawn becomes a challenge, and unlike what I was used to in San Jose, the …
One of the true eyesores of our yard was our driveway. Our yard to the south is bordered by our neighbor’s cow pasture, and it had a fence that was practical for keeping the cows in their yard most of …
This weekend we finished two projects that have been partially completed for quite some time. First we picked up another load of decomposed granite and finished the path that goes from the driveway to the back porch. Winter is going …
Last fall we dug up and transplanted some iris and dianellas and moved them into this spot near the driveway. Then winter came and the weeds invaded like crazy, and by the time it got to weather where we could …
Here’s the completed driveway. Ok, so it’s not the most beautiful home improvement project we’ve done, but it is very practical. No more sliding in the mud during the winter months.
While we were gone Del Biaggio started work on phase two of our driveway. Today they poured the concrete for the driveway and the parking area. The next phase will be the new foundation for the garage, and phase four …
Today they poured a slab for the beginning of our driveway. The rest of the driveway will get poured when we get back to working on the garage. But it will at least be nice to have this portion paved.