Jessica’s Zit
This is a Zit. “What exactly is a Zit”, I hear you all asking. Well something I never knew (and I’ve obviously got along quite well without this knowledge) is that Trolls had a whole menangerie of pets. The Zit was just the most bizarre. Checking out Ebay, we found that there were Troll versions of cows, horses, giraffes, and assorted other animals. What the inspiration for the Zit was, I’m not sure. Jessica described it as a hairy cow udder. Jessica also has a cow troll, but it went AWOL just before the shoot. I kind of think she should keep that one, living in a dairy town and all. If it shows up, I’ll probably add a picture of it, but in the meantime if your curiosity is getting the better of you, head on over to Ebay and do a search on “cow troll”. Bet you thought that was a search phrase you’d never use.