Well it’s official, we’re back to being a four cat household. Back in May I introduced the cat on the right and over the last few months he has made himself more at home with us. We finally found the neighbors where he came from and it turns out that they recently had a baby and apparently the baby and the cat didn’t get along. Since it was really Ricky who invited him over, we decided to name him Artie. Ok, maybe you don’t get the logic in that but it goes something like this: The cat was Ricky’s toy, so that became abbreviated to R.T., which became Artie. Since he’s definitely become used to our house this last weekend Lori cleared it with the neighbors, just to make sure. This is the second cat that we’ve picked up from neighbors just because they liked us better (probably they just get fed better here). I hope we don’t end up with everyone’s pets.